
my kiddo on some stepsFrom the moment we met
You were walking away
I held you close
But knew you couldn’t stay

I gently let go
And close my eyes
Hold my breath
Send my prayers up to the sky

May you always be safe
May you always be smart
May you always know love
You, who holds my heart

Life moves quickly
Like the ocean, it goes
And we follow along
Ride its ebbs and its flows

For this brief moment
We’re in the same place
Your life linked with mine
Gift of beauty and grace

One day I’ll be old
Wrinkled and gray
My time grows shorter
With each passing day

Stay close to me
And I won’t be afraid
Just hold my hand
As life calls me away

my parents and kiddo, several years ago


15 thoughts on “Connection

  1. This is such a wonderful inspiring and uplifting poem. Who is the author of it? It made me think of Emily Dickinson who always struck me as both confronting and comforting at the same time. This poem is like that. Confronting but yet kindly comforting. I think of the children in my life and how they are growing into such fine young men and women.

    • Wow … thank you so much for those extremely kind words. This is one of my poems. I am so glad you enjoyed it, and your lovely comment means even more to me because I’ve always felt insecure about my ability to write poetry. I don’t consider myself a “poet” at all. (There are so many amazing poets here on WordPress, and I am insanely jealous of their skills, all the while remaining in complete awe of their work. :))

      The pictures are of my family. That’s my daughter, from about six or seven years ago. I think she was around 2 or 3 in that picture. The bottom picture is my daughter with my parents.

      I’ve been struggling, lately, with the fear and difficulty of having to let go of my child a little bit. It’s so hard, in this crazy world, to let our kids “walk” away from us, but it’s inevitable. They are going to grow up. Sometimes, I just don’t want it to happen, though — even though I know it’s completely irrational of me. (ha, ha) Anyhow, those feelings are what led to this particular poem.

      Thank you again for reading and for your extremely kind words. I appreciate it very much. 🙂

  2. Pingback: Connection | satincranes

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