Cherry Bombs

As you all know, I am not a fan of Spring. Yes, it’s a lovely season of rebirth and the world waking up from the long winter and the little woodland creatures coming out to cavort and dance in the meadows and birds singing happily at the very first break of day and all that stuff. But, for me, it’s the season of pollen, swollen eyes, painfully stopped-up sinuses, and sneezing. Just as a little refresher … in case anyone forgot … my feelings about Spring run along the lines of:

Die, Spring!I say it with love, though. I’m not a psychopath; I’m just allergic. To everything.

The one thing I love about Spring, in spite of the allergy pain it will cause me, is seeing the cherry trees in bloom. I like birdsong, too, but nothing lifts my spirits more than cherry blossoms. The trees fill up with buds when the days are still short and the skies are still gray and cold. Every day, it feels like we all watch and wait, almost like the whole world is holding its breath. Will today be the day? Or maybe tomorrow? Perhaps, I might see a teeny, lone bloom here or there, which only serves to whet my appetite and make me even more anxious for the “big show” to come.

cherry bloomI think waiting is the hardest part. In many ways, it feels like waiting for Christmas when I was a kid. There is that feeling of longing, of knowing you will be witness to something more incredible than you can imagine or describe, but, also, the feeling that all the magic and wonder might never arrive. Once I’ve almost given up hope of it ever happening … BOOM! It seems that, overnight, the trees burst into bloom, and I walk out of my house into a fantasy wonderland come to life.

cherry trees and lincoln memorial, wash. dcJust when I had given up hope, resigned to existing in the gray tones of winter, the magic happens. No matter how many times I see it, it always amazes me. I don’t remember seeing many blooming trees during my childhood. I guess the climate was too harsh for them, or, maybe, the soil was too poor. Maybe that is why this aspect of Spring enchants me the way it does. It seems that, everywhere I look — along every hiking trail, bike path, side road, highway, and by-way — there are trees full of delicate, beautiful blooms. Mounds and mounds and mounds of them.

my cherry treeThey stretch out and turn their faces toward the sun, as if reaching out to grab every bit of warmth and love possible. As I walk among them, hearing the swish of fallen blooms under my feet on the sidewalk or path, I feel my own spirit begin to awaken from its long winter’s sleep. The gray of short days and cold, dark nights seems to melt away, just a little. And I feel warmer, a little happier, and maybe even a bit more hopeful. I have survived another winter. Sometimes, that is enough.

cherry tree over water. meadowlark botanical gardensAlmost as soon as they arrive, the petals begin to fall. They drift slowly down to earth, twirling in the wind — graceful, delicate, and beautiful to the very end. I watch them, and I smile as I am reminded that life is beautiful but short. It’s good for us to stretch out our arms and grab all the light we can, while we’re here.




9 thoughts on “Cherry Bombs

  1. Our allergist put us on 5mg of zyrtec and an rx nasal spray. Life is good now even through layers of green and yellow pollen!!

    Lovely photos and I admire your positive outlook even though you feel low ā¤

    • I need to find an allergist. I take Zyrtec for most of the year. Today, I actually doubled up the dose, and it didn’t even make a dent. Rx nasal spray sounds heavenly to me right now — ha, ha! šŸ˜€

      Thanks for the kind words on the pictures. I’m glad you enjoyed them. And I hope you and your family survive this nutty allergy season.

  2. Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb!!! Now I have Joan Jett stuck in my head! šŸ™‚

    I loved seeing the Die Spring picture again! Others may gasp in horror, but it makes me smile!

    Most of our tree blooms around here are odd things like the little “helicopters”, the spiky balls, and the fluffy pollen that would drop until it was three inches thick every May-June from the Ailanthus trees around my old neighborhood. Those trees are pure evil even though they’re commonly called the Tree of Heaven!

    • Ha! I thought of you when I posed the “Die, Spring!” picture. I might have to make it an annual thing and bring that pic out next Spring. (If my blog survives that long, which I hope it will. Yikes! The future!! o.o)

      I grew up with trees like the ones you describe, too. Lots of oak trees, which produced lots and lots and lots of pollen … and yet no flowers. It always felt like a crummy trade-off. If I have to suffer from allergies, I at least want to look at something pretty. Ha! šŸ˜€

  3. Beautiful photos. But the best one is definitely “Die, spring”! Hahaha. I feel you–I love spring, but I’m also allergic to pretty much every pollen in the world.

    • Ha! I’m glad you could appreciate the “Die Spring!!” photo. Us allergy-sufferers have to stick together, after all! (If nothing else, we might need to borrow Kleenex along the way … :D)

      Thanks for reading, and thank you for the kind comment on my photos. I appreciate it very much. šŸ™‚

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